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The Very End
S3 licensed
It seems cutting them curbs really saves time, but feels wrong. At least when I did the 1.56.100 lap now I did not hit any of the, well what is it, wood-stuff on the inside of the curbs, just using the part of it which is closest to the tarmac. With more cutting I might be able to get a half second faster or something. However it seems that I canot controll it well, so I allways have bad corner exiting / acceleration. Atm. I am using not full trottle out of the corner because then I just spin and **** things up..
The Very End
S3 licensed
Great, so everyone, EVEN TROY IS FASTER THAN ME WHAT THE ****!
I'll jump the nearest cliff!
The Very End
S3 licensed
Pfft... you people are not normal... make video tutorial how to drive fast in this game lol..
The Very End
S3 licensed
1.55 !?!??!
Done some rounds now, seems I do 1.59s and maybe 1.58s... Pro ofc. but with automatic clutch as assist tho :/

Canot f.cking understand how you do 1.55 with the normal setup...

Edit: Did a 1.57.8xx now... felt like maddness and no controll what so ever

Edit: Are you using semi slicks?
Last edited by The Very End, .
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from Mysho :There is an option in settings for that - it's called lock driver's view to horizon or something like that. You'll get fixed view then.

edit: Who would be up for a little challenge? Let's say Ferrari 458 @ Imola. Post your times if you wish then we can compare each other to make 2 weeks shorter.

Ok, I can give it a try, will do some tests and make a new post. Standard hotlap setup NO CHANGES.

Your times?
The Very End
S3 licensed
So the campaign failed, but fear not! The developers march on and have desided to release a tech demo! Buy the game and get it from their homepage, !

A lot of work needs to be done, but for an early prototype as this Im mighty surprised (positive way)!
The Very End
S3 licensed
Haha that is brilliant, and true too!
Seriously, **** OFF Google+! I dont want you! D:
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from Bose321 :How come the rally pack is only 19.99?

How should I know? Ask Scawen, if he is not too busy doing meth nowdays.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from Matrixi :With the infamous Limited Edition Rally Pack DLC, only 19,99€

Pay additional 4.99 for the polished Shitrokko and LX8 DLC.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Quote from Drift1r :Can anyone message me the name of the newcomer?

It's called "LFS S4: RB4 HIGHRESS" edition.
The Very End
S3 licensed
And that will help the game? Everyone leaving the forum? Everyone stopping posting on the forum? No more discussion? No more fuzz around the game? No nothing?
The Very End
S3 licensed
Well, it is no secret, Asetto Corsa.

Again, sorry that I totally de-rail this dickfest of a topic and tries to create some positive wibes to it... yeah **** ME!
ANYHOW! - that game.

It has flaws, really, huge flaws. Some flaws are so stupid that I canot even start to desribe. For example - whatever the settings I do - 10-20 FPS when driving evenings. 60++++ on everything on absolute max on any other time of day. That is, bullshit.

BUT! It just feels... it feels promissing! The fundation is there. It needs work, but it feels like LFS did in the early days - raw, unpolished, wild, entertaining. What LFS lost over the years is that promisses of a bright future. It feels stalled now, and every news we get seems to be dragged out of the devs by force. They seem, unispired. And alltho they claim that they are just working - and I don't doubt that, the spirit is gone, and we're left with the hardcore eliteists of this forum, ragequit from certain devs from time to time and just a big hole of ...nothing. LFS had and is a great game, but unless something new is brought on the table, it will continue onwards it's march for it's selfdestruction.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Just wait til the bottle is emty, then I'm for sure is going to talk myself to an infraction or two
The Very End
S3 licensed
The author of this thread has a point tho. Saying someone is wrong and that they have not done everything LFS has to offer because they have not driven all the cars on all the combos so far - is just wrong. I dont need to drive Blackwood with every car in the LFS universe to know that Im tired of that track. Sure, it creates some variety, but the track is the same.

One kick to the creator of this topic - was it needed? Probally not, a lot of people share your veiw without opening new threads about it. At same time, as stated above, I somewhat agree with you. LFS has SO FEW tracks, and saying the different combos are new tracks... nope. They are basically just some different corners, it is still the same track enviroment. Just look at Aston. OBOI! SO MANY DIFFERENT TRACKS ON ASTON!
Sorry, no. Aston is Aston. I have tried out several combos, but no matter the config / car, Aston is not so entertaining again.

That said, my post has absolutely no meaning, other than saying that the author of this topic both has and has not a point.
For now I am moving towards the newcomer in the SIM world, which pleasant surprises me. It has it's flaws, a lot actually, but it has development and dedication from it's dev. I belive in that project. Sadly I am not sure if I belive in LFS anymore at it's current stage.

But anyhow, **** you, **** me, **** everything, time to find Jack Daniels OBOI!
The Very End
S3 licensed
Holy shit! Having 60 fps all the time, but if I set the game to sunset I get like 20 max. Tried putting settings lower without any help. What is going on?
The Very End
S3 licensed
Ok good, or I would have to rape you (mmm thumbs goes where?)
The Very End
S3 licensed
Allrighty! How the hell does people do 1.11 laps with the standard setup on 458 + Silverstone? The lowest I got is 1.13.2xx. I might be able to do a high 1.12, but getting to 1.11 seems insane
The Very End
S3 licensed
Me likes!
The Very End
S3 licensed
Even if I do change the FOV it just is not, comfortable :/ With too much FoV I lose all sence of speed.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Are you mocking me with your name Tomba?
The Very End
S3 licensed
Aight, so to my defence - I am a retard, deal with it!
But - when trying to drive the GTR BMW car (or whatever it is called), I just... I just feel like I can't see shit! The cockpit veiw is so, well windshield is so small that I canot make out what's going on around me even with moving the head etc.
Others with same experiences?

For now I am doing the panzer / hood (what you call that) cam.
The Very End
S3 licensed
Thanks! And that is with normal setup right?
Then I have something to work on
The Very End
S3 licensed
Can someone be assed to write what good laptimes on the different tracks and cars is? Need to have something to reach forr and know if I suck as much as I fear
The Very End
S3 licensed
I'm sorry, our language differences make it so that I canot understand if you either telling me I'm an idiot or if the game is wrong somehow

I, well, haha, ofc. using a clutch is pretty straight forward, it's just the way it's presented to new players. Also the way the option meny are set up. It gives no hints or text what so ever, and you're stucked on the place clueless - unless you're not an idiot like me or if you have internet where you can find the answer ;P
The Very End
S3 licensed
Lol, I am serious with you on this, and this is what happend :
I set up the controller for wheel, tok me some mins to figure out why it whent full trottle / brake. Had to push that silly "V" thing in the meny... WHY btw?

Secondly, everything was fine, loaded up and pedals showed signal of not going complete batshit the second the game loaded. I started up and only saw the wheels spinning. Did not quite understand what to do so tapped the clutch. It spiked - nothing happend afterwards. To actually launch the formula car I have to hold the clutch full down with trottle for some SECONDS, and then it start to slowly get up to speed and I can release it.

Isn't the car so powerfull, that even from a stop if you floor it and release the clutch, it should go forward (uncontrollable of course)?

I know I'm on thin ice, but it just did not give new players a good hint of what to do to get the car moving. And more confusing that there is an animation that shows clearly the wheels are spinning if you push down the pedals, but the car is still on it's place. I belived that I had some sort of handbrake on or something but well...